Contact Us

Thank you for looking for ways to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. Please see information below about ways to contact us, and how those methods can support our desire to maintain the confidentiality of those that reach out to us and use our services. 

The Ombuds Office provides confidentiality as a core tenant of its practice, making every reasonable effort to keep the identity of those that contact us and meet with us confidential. Given the constraints of modern technologies most methods of contacting us have some minimal risk, which we make every effort to minimize.  

Please choose a method to reach out to us that suits your situation best. Email and phone are the two most common ways to reach us: 

  • Email: You can request a meeting with an ombuds by emailing Please send the minimal amount of information needed. In conformity with our practice of not keeping records of our visits or visitor information, we do delete emails after a brief time.

  • Phone: You may phone the Ombuds Office to set up a time to meet with an ombuds. If you choose to call, in order to protect your identity, we recommend you call us with the prefix *67 before calling us. That way your phone number will be unknown and not leave a record in university systems. You can dial *67 785-864-7261.

         As we do not have full-time administrative staff to answer phones you may need to leave a message or choose to email us instead.

  • Note about voicemail: Please know that the KU voicemail system will transcribe all messages and may convey them to us in an email. We recommend leaving a brief message with just your call back information and name or pseudonym. These emails and voicemails will also be deleted from the Ombuds Office’s records after a brief time.                                                                   
  • Mail or drop-by notes: You may also use the US postal system or KU interoffice mail to request to meet with an ombuds or deliver a note to our door. These methods would suit someone who prefers to have as few digital breadcrumbs left of your request to meet. Our Office address and where we receive mail is: 

1000 Sunnyside Ave. Dole Human Development Center suite #3079, Lawrence Kansas 66045.  

If you want to meet with an ombuds please let us know how to contact you back and whether you would prefer we use a mailing address, or a non-KU email or non-KU phone to do so. 

We shred all paper records related to visitors to our office, including those requests-to-meets. 

Due to the confidential, neutral, informal, and independent function of the Ombuds Office, communication with the office does not constitute notice to the University. 

Dole Human Development Center
University Ombuds Office
Dole , HDC Suite 3079
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence , Kansas 66045